Fiberglass Pool Repairs & Maintenance
Fiberglass pools and Baptismals
- Redo baptismal gel coat and fiberglass pools (in white gel coat only)
- Skimmer and return leaks repair/replacements
- Shell inspections

Vinyl Liner Step Repairs
Vinyl liner steps are typically backfilled with our locally found red soil which over time settles beneath the top two steps. It just so happens that this is where your body weight over time places a considerable amount of stress on the structure of the steps which eventually leads to cracking.
TNT has found a way to cut the step and backfill it to the proper height, and then structurally tie everything back together again with a watertight seal to give you your steps back without having to spend the money on the costly step removal/replacement process which could end up costing $10,000 or more!